Referrals and Contact Policy
This is to let you know that this ministry is a referral ministry only. That is what we do. We refer ex-offenders to a church, church outreach ministry, and/or a prison ministry that works in aftercare. This ministry will not keep or file any records of ex-offenders in any form. It is not the purpose of this ministry to try to keep up with the ex-offender after 90 days. We hold a pre-release program every 3rd Sunday at the Unit. At this time we tell the clients(inmates) that are getting out in the next 30 days, what ITPM in about and what we do. We give each man a ministry card and on the back of that card is a number to call after they get to the 1/2 way house. That phone number is their contact number, they have got to make the call !! It is up to the client to make the call.
The main purpose of this ministry is to get the person getting out of prison some help so he/she will not go back to the same old way of life. We all have needed some help at some point in our lives, and we need to remember that. All ex-offender/client participation in the referral program should always be on a volunteer basis. InTouch Prison Ministry will first get the okay from prison wardens or their spokesperson before conducting any introduction into a prison system. InTouch Prison Ministry will not be held accountable for the person/persons doing the introduction. The person speaking is the one accountable. Referral is the ministry - help to the person in need should be the focus. By keeping our eyes on Jesus Christ, we can all stay focused.Please contact us
InTouch Prison Ministry P.O. Box 762 Zephyr, Texas 76890-0762 915-739-3631
or you can email us here:
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